Sunday, June 30, 2013


June is probably the nicest month in our garden, as long as we can remember to water when needed. The annuals and irises look great, and the roses have begun to bloom.

Precipitation: Approximately 10 inches
Average precipitation: 3.1 inches

"In June as many as a dozen species may burst their buds on a single day.  No man can heed all of these anniversaries; no man can ignore all of them." -Aldo Leopold

Yellow liatris 6/5/13
Iris 6/5/13
Annuals 6/5/13
Feverfew (wildflower) 6/9/13
Mock bishop weed (wildflower) 6/9/13
Yellow primrose (wildflower) 6/14/13
Winterberry 6/14/13
Buddleia (butterfly bush) 6/14/13
Rose 6/14/13
Rose 6/14/13
Euonymus 6/9/13
Pink spirea 6/23/13
Landscape 6/17/13
Orange daylily 6/23/13
Raspberry 6/30/13