Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Midsummer is here, and all is well with the world in July. Just as long as we keep up with the mowing and weeding, and weeding, and weeding. The gloriosa daisies begin their long blooming season.

Precipitation: Approximately 1.5 inches
Average precipitation: 3.1 inches

"What is a weed? A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Lily 7/1/13
Honesty (money plant) (biennial wildflower) 7/1/13
A visitor 7/1/13

Hosta 7/1/13
False Solomon's seal 7/1/13
Ladybells (wildflower) 7/1/13
Daylily 7/3/13
Aster 7/3/13
Spiderwort 7/6/13
Trumpet vine 7/3/13

Gloriosa daisy 7/3/13
Gloriosa daisy 7/6/13

Rose 7/10/13
Buddelia (butterfly bush) 7/21/13
Tigerlily 7/24/13
Tigerlily 7/19/13