Friday, May 31, 2013


May is when new blooms seem to appear almost daily. The smell of the lilacs is almost overpowering. Now's the time to mix the potting soil and finally plant the annuals! Official frost-free day is May 15th, but we always push the season and hope.

Precipitation: Approximately 2 inches
Average precipitation: 3.5 inches

"Earth laughs in flowers." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

True Solomon's seal 5/3/13
True Solomon's seal 5/3/13

Dogwood 5/11/13
Dogwood 5/5/13
Dogwood 5/3/13
Dogwood 5/3/13
Speedwell 5/11/13
Rhododendron 5/11/13
Lilac 5/11/13
Lilac 5/11/13

Buttercup (wildflower) 5/11/13
Azalea 5/11/13
Azalea 5/12/13

Azalea 5/19/13
Hosta 5/12/13

Hosta 5/12/13
Columbine 5/19/13
Columbine  5/19/13
False Solomon's seal 5/19/13
Iris 5/25/13